The day started out as normal for me. This was going to be my fourth trip out in my quest to visit all 67 counties in my 67th year. This time I went north up I-65 and got off at Ft. Deposit and then worked north before I started East towards the Georgia line.
I made several stops and looked at various things and took numerous photos. Just like a normal day out there doing what I do. Searching, always searching. Most times not sure what for but I guess anybody that likes photography and writing blogs they are looking and might be uncertain on what they are looking for but when they see it they know.
Today it was getting up in the day when I made it to Union Springs AL. As I normally do when I get to a town like that I ride through and look to try to form a game plan on which direction I want to go on foot. I made a pass through and then parked on one end of the main drag and poured a cup of coffee out of my thermos and reached in my little refrigerator and got a half of a foot long sandwich that my wife and made for me and ate lunch. After I finished my coffee and most of the sandwich, I put the rest in the fridge and got my camera and my phone and set out.
Normally I walk and look and take photos. I kind of get in my own world and although I normally am very situationally aware of what is going on around me, I rarely interact with anybody.
I do this for several reasons. First of all, in today’s society it seems that if you speak to the wrong stranger first to open a conversation many times folks will look at you like you are weird. Many go so far as to describe you as being creepy. Secondly if you know me, you know, that I could get into a conversation with a total stranger at a gas pump 500 miles from home and talk 30 minutes.
Trying to cover as much ground as is needed with no more time than can be allotted that takes too much time. I normally eat on the go, and don’t stop for much. Walk through, look at the angles on buildings and take my shots. Sometimes the buildings across the street are ideal to photograph and numerous things are better on the side I am on. When I get to one end I turn around cross the street and do it again coming back.
I normally do not take photos with people or cars in them if possible. In fact, sometimes I have waited several minutes to take a photo or even passed on one and came back to keep from it.

Stan “Chilly Cooks”
An inspiration.
Here is one that is doing something about the issues at hand in this world by mentoring young people in his community.
As I walked up one side, I noticed a building across the street that had writing at the top that said Chilly’s ICE Cool Band. It was a neat building with a porch cover out over the sidewalk. Sitting under the cover was a guy. I wanted to take a photo of it but I would not take the shot because there was a guy there.
As I walked to the other end of town and crossed the street. I was walking back towards that building. I was taking different shots of the buildings and trying to stay focused. When I got back to that building the guy was still there. As I was walking by, I nodded, and he was smiling.
As I approached I had noticed a School Bus with Chilly’s ICE COOL Band painted on the side.

That was this man. Then and there is where I met Stan “Chilly” Cooks. Immediately I had to know what Chilly’s ICE Cool Band was all about. He asked me where I was from, and I told him. He said I know where that is. I have played music there.
He said come in and let me show you what I have here. I walked in the door not having a clue what I was about to see.
That is when I realized for sure that this was special.

You see there are people all over that complain about the issues they see in the world but never do anything about them. Chilly is one of those people that sees an issue and instead of complaining about it he is doing something about it.

Chili’s ICE Cool Band is a free after school program for kids. He has music instruments of numerous kinds in this room. He has a full sixed school bus, that has Chilly’s ICE Cool Band on the side.
Here is a man that brings kids from 6 to 18 years old in the afternoon and does a free music program with them with instruments provided.
The interesting thing thought is he is not just teaching them music. He is teaching them so much more. The music is from what I see just a tool to get them to come with excitement. He has rules that they are expected to adhere to.
Even ICE has meaning. ICE is a acronym for Integrity, Communication, ad Execution.
He even has them recite a pledge. I was blown away.
Chili’s Pledge goes like this.
I pledge to honor and uphold all rules of Chilly ICE Cool Band. To always give my best effort everything I do. To study hard, to play hard, exercise hard, perform hard, to respect my elders at home, and when out and about, and to always remain ICE Cool throughout.
We visited for a few minutes after he showed me the place and told me about it. I left and went on my way. To be honest he made my day. He was so uplifting and positive to talk to.
I can see how he would be a magnate to young people and definitely appeared to me to be a positive influence to the kids of his community.
I would say that Chilly’s ICE Cool Band would definitely be a game changer for many kids in Union Springs, AL.
Here is a man that takes music and uses it to be a role model to youth. I can’t say enough. I definitely will not forget this man nor this program any time soon.
Chilly Cook it was definitely a pleasure to meet you. I pray that your program touches the lives of thousands of children and makes a ripple effect on your community.
God Bless you.
Man, I had to drop a tear! I’m honored that you chose someone like ME to write some of your wonderful words about! God sent you my way because brother, you also made MY day and you’re living proof that my efforts are not in vain! God bless you and safe travels my friend!! 💜
Chilly Cooks
Never lat anything or anybody get you down. I look up to you. God definitely had a hand in us meeting I am sure. Those like you are what makes what I do worthwhile. Meeting wonderful folks and doing stories and photography are a blessing to me,