A few weeks ago a good friend of mine messaged me and asked me if I would be interested in doing an over night kayak trip.
Now understand something up front.
Kayaking has been something that I wanted to do for years. I. had been watching these guys and gals having the times of their lives floating. I always had a reason not to buy a kayak and go. One of the main reasons was that I weighted too much to be comfortable in one. About a year ago I told my wife that I was going to lose some weight and get a kayak and that is what I did. I set out in earnest to lose weight in late September of 2022. I bought a kayak used in November. I had taken it to the lake and tried it out and made a trip in late December with a close friend. Then earlier this year I had made a couple more trips.

I had been an avid camper years ago. Over the years I had not camped primitive much and then it got to never doing it. I had gotten to the point that my equipment had either gotten in such bad shape that I had either gotten rid of it or thrown it away.
I bought more equipment over the past few months and a few weeks ago I actually went on an overnight at a local campground just to make sure I had what I needed, and it was going to work.
With all of that said, when I got the message, wild horses could not have stopped me from going. I was as excited as a fat kid in a Candy Store. I could not wait.
I went out the day before and made sure that I had everything packed I would need and loaded it on my kayak a couple of times to just make sure that it fit properly.
The morning finally came around. David my friend messaged me and said that we could ride together, and he would pick me up about 6:45 AM. I was awake by 4:30. When he got to my house, we loaded it up and we were off.
We made our way across US 84 to the Bellville Community and then down to the Castleberry. It was a clear beautiful morning, not cold and not hot. Just right in every way. We saw cattle and even a large coyote in the fields and pastures along the way.
We got there and soon others were getting there. When everybody finally got there the guys loaded up and took the vehicles to the takeout point and then had a ride back to where the boats were.
There was a total of nine of us. Me my friend David and a couple I knew from social media. I was later to find out that all were some really, great guys.
We set out mid-morning and traveled for a couple of hours or more and found a large sandbar and stopped and set up camp.
Then for the remainder of the afternoon we just hung out and rested and visited and had an incredible time doing nothing. Just a laid-back time to unwind and get acquainted with new friends. I met some guys that by the time we parted ways made me feel like I had known them a lifetime. We sat in the shade for a while and then set up camp. Then we took chairs out and sat in the cold creek water cooling off. Finally, we got out and ate and then sat by the “Cave Man TV”. (Campfire). It was just a great time.
It was a colder than normal night and although not unbearable it did get chilly or for me it did anyway.
Up the next morning and another pot of that awesome percolated coffee on the creek bank that was as good as it gets. Personally, I do not think coffee gets any better than when it is made in a percolator on a propane stove on the creek or riverbank.
Another time of visiting and then four of us set out to finish. The other five had decided that they were going to wait another day and then come down.

We traveled the remaining distance in a few hours without incidence and loaded up and took one detour and went to Brewton and had an incredible milkshake and then went home.
Looking back on this trip I know I am hooked. I literally can’t wait for the next trip. Great times, great friends. I met some guys that I have no doubt I will see again and paddle with again.