Recent Visit to the old Sawmill town of Vredenburgh Alabama.
This is a town that holds much historical significance for Monroe County and the surrounding area.
This beautiful old town sits quietly in the very North end of Monroe County with parts of it actually being located in South Wilcox County
Here is a drone video on Vredenburgh Al.

Here is a fascinating writing on the town of Vredenburgh, It is the Legacy Magazine of the Monroe County Library of Monroeville, Al https://vredenburgh.org/vredenburgh/pages/VredenburghAlabama.pdf
Memory: when the Vredenburgh’s moved, they gave me their Collie named Bullet. I was a little girl at the time walking with braces and crutches as a result of having had polio. Bullet became very protective of me and would stand beside me when I fell so I could use him for support to pull myself up. Loved that dog so much and the Vredenburgh’s kindness and generosity. Best place in the world to grow up!
Awesome memory. Thanks for sharing.