Davis Ferry is located in Monroe County Al,
It is a link across the Alabama River between Franklin, Al and Packers Bend.

It has been reported that there has been a ferry in this location off and on as far back as the 1830’s.
1970’s Ferry
This is the ferry that was put in at this location in the late 1960’s. It was moved to the Davis Ferry location from upriver at Holley Ferry after the Al Hwy 10 bridge was put in at Pine Hill a few miles upriver.
This ferry was powered by an inline six cylinder engine. The ferry had a paddle wheel that turned to propel the ferry. It was held in place and guided by a cable stretched high over the river. There were two cables one on each end of the ferry with rollers on he overhead cable.
The overhead cable is held taunt between two towers with a winch on the East Bank. During high water the cable could be lowered so that tug boats could pass over the cable if the river was too high for them to go under. The ferry would not be operational during the time the river was at flood stage.
Some years ago this cable was hit by a military helicopter during a training exercise.
Here is a filing at the Monroe County Public Library. It was submitted by J.C. Stabler a long time ferry operator several years ago.
Davis Ferry is located on the Alabama River at the Haines Island Park in Monroe County. The old ferry boat that is used at Davis Ferry has been around for a long time. It was moved from upriver at Holley Ferry in the early 1970’s when the Highway 10 bridge was completed and opened for operation. Years ago, there were several ferries like this one that operated along the Alabama River and Tombigbee River. Today, this old ferry boat may be the only old ferry that remains in service. It has changed little over the years and is still in good condition, especially considering its age. This ferry is powered across the river by an old 6-cyclinder Chevrolet engine that turns a paddle wheel. The ferry is guided across the river by steel cables that slide along a large steel cable that is suspended high above the river. Operators of this old ferry boat are J. C. Stabler, 16 years experience, and Bobby Tuberberville, 22 years experience. The Davis Ferry runs only on weekdays from 6:30 am until noon and from 1:00 until 4:00 pm. It is free. The ferry averages transporting 20-25 vehicles per day and nearly all of these are owned by local residents. The ferry docks on the east side of the river at Haines Island. If you arrive at the Packer’s Bend west side landing, just blow your car horn or blink your headlights to let the ferry boat operators know that you need a ride. The GPS coordinates of the two landings for the Davis Ferry are: Haines Island east bank (N31.726109,W87.469223); Packard’s Bend west bank (N31.728389,W87.469778).
Helicopter Crash
On April 28, 2011 an AH 64 Apache helicopter on a routine training mission hit the guide cable of the ferry. It resulted in the death of Capt. Richard Van Perre
It resulted in the death of
Quoting an article from Armyaircrews.com
“A/C was 50′ AWL and 111 KTAS when it hit a ferry cable over Alabama River at Packers Bend at approx 1200 hours near Monroeville while on a routine training flight. Dutch exchange student pilot made an emergency landing approx 2 mi from wire strike location.”

Photo accompanying article on helicopter crash. from Armyaircrews.com
Current Ferry
Currently there is a ferry sitting at the location but it is not operational.
Here is a drone video of the current Ferry as it sits appearing abandoned.
The current ferry was given to Monroe County several years ago by Etowah County. It was transported by truck to the Montgomery area and then driven down the river to the Davis Ferry location.
Hopefully one day this ferry will be restored and put back in operation.
At the current time the hold up is the Corp of Engineers has deemed the banks that vehicles have to descend to board the ferry is unsafe and is requiring very expensive testing to be done followed by what ever repairs that the tests deem necessary.