- A-M
- Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
- Berean Baptist Church
- Bethany Church
- Bethany Missionary Baptist Church
- Bethel Baptist Church
- Bethlehem Baptist Church
- Bethlehem Methodist Church
- Calvary Baptist Church
- Christian Aid Society #5
- Church Of The Holy Cross
- Cleveland Mills Christian Church
- Cole’s Chapel A.M.E. Church
- Eagle Grove Baptist Church
- El Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
- Ephesus Baptist Church
- Faith Chapel Church
- Faith Chapel Baptist Church
- First Congregational Church
- First Missionary Baptist Church
- First Presbyterian
- Freewill Baptist Church
- Friendship Baptist Church
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
- God’s House Of Worship
- Green Liberty Baptist Church
- Greenleaf Missionary Baptist Church
- Hamburg Church Of Christ
- Hebron Baptist Church
- Heiberger Methodist Church
- Hickory Grove Baptist Church
- Hopewell Baptist Church
- Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church
- Ivey’s Chapel Church
- Lake Payne Church Of God
- Little Canaan Primitive Baptist Church
- Lillie Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Little Rock Church
- Living Hope Missionary Baptist Church
- Marietta Church
- Marietta Methodist Church
- Marion Methodist Church
- Marion Mission Holiness Church
- Marion Presbyterian Church
- Medline Baptist Church
- Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Ararat Baptist Church
- Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Gilead Baptist Church
- Mount Ivah Bible Methodist Church
- Mount Mariah Baptist Church
- Mount Nebo A.M.E. Zion Church
- Mount Olive Baptist Church
- Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church
- Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church
- Mount Pleasant Freewill Baptist Church
- Mount Sinai A.O.H Church Of God
- Mount Tabor A.M.E. Zion Church
- Mount Zion Methodist Church
- N-Z
- New Aimwell Baptist Church
- New Canaan Holiness Church
- New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
- New Hope Baptist Church
- New Hope Methodist Church
- New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
- New Oak Grove Baptist
- Newbern Church Of Christ
- North Perry Community Holiness Church
- Oak Grove A.M.E. Zion Church
- Oak Grove Augustine Baptist Church
- Oak Grove Methodist Episcopal Church
- Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church
- Ocmulgee Baptist Church
- Open Door Faith Baptist Church
- Perryville Baptist Church
- Pine Flat Baptist Church
- Pine Grove Baptist Church
- Pineview Assembly of God
- Pisgah Baptist Church
- Poplar Grove Baptist Church
- Provewell Baptist Church
- Providence Baptist Church
- Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church
- Reynolds Chapel Church
- Saint James Baptist Church
- Saint Mary Primitive Baptist Church
- Saint Peter Primitive Baptist Church
- Saint Wilfrid’s Episcopal Church
- Salem Church
- Sardis Church
- Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Siloam Baptist Church
- Simpson Chapel United Methodist Church
- Spring Hill Baptist Church
- Star Bethel Baptist Church
- Stephens Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
- Trinity Baptist Church
- Union Baptist Church
- Uniontown United Methodist Church
- Uniontown Baptist Church
- Uniontown Church Of God
- Waycross Church
- Woodlawn Baptist Church
- Zion Church Marion