Churches of The Alabama Black Belt Dallas County $45 Order here
- A-M
- Adams Grove Presbyterian
- Aimwell Baptist
- Aimwell Missionary Baptist
- Alabama Avenue Church of God
- Alabama Avenue Presbyterian Church
- Antioch Baptist
- Athens Baptist
- Azion Missionary Baptist
- Barrett Road Methodist
- Beloved Apostolic Church
- Bethlehem Baptist Church
- Blue Jean Church
- Brein Chapel Community Church
- Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church
- Calvary Missionary Baptist
- Camp Creek Missionary Baptist
- Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church
- Carlowville Baptist Church
- Casey Church Of Christ
- Cedar Grove Baptist Church
- Central Baptist Church
- Central Union Primitive Baptist
- Center Chapel United Methodist Church
- Christian Light Missionary Baptist Church
- Christian Light Missionary Baptist Church (Old)
- Christ New Testament Holiness Church
- Church Of Christ Houston Park
- Church Of Immaculate Conception
- Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints
- Church Of The Living God
- Church Street United Methodist Church
- Clinton Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church
- Concord Baptist Church
- Concord Primitive Baptist Church
- Cornerstone Church
- Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
- County Line Baptist #1
- County Line Church
- Covenant Christian Church
- Craig Air Force Base Chapel
- Cross Point Christian Church
- East Salem Missionary Baptist Church
- Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church
- Elbethel Missionary Baptist Church
- Elkdale Baptist Church
- Ellwood Church
- Elyton Missionary Baptist Church
- Fairview Baptist Church
- First Baptist Church
- First Christian Church
- First Baptist Church MLK Street
- First Baptist Church of Selma
- First United Pentecostal Church
- Freedom Baptist Church
- Freewill Christian Center
- Friendship Baptist Church
- Gateway Baptist Church
- Good Hope Baptist Church
- Gospel Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C
- Grace Fellowship Church
- Grant Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church
- Greater Heights Bible Church
- Greater Hope Missionary Baptist Church
- Greater New Hope Baptist Church
- Greater Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church
- Greater Zion Community Church
- Green Street Baptist Church
- Grove Hill A.M.E. Zion Church
- Harper’s Presbyterian Chapel
- Helping Hands Bible Ministry
- Highland Church of Christ
- Holy Tabernacle Apostolic
- Hope Baptist Church
- Hope Church
- Hopewell Baptist Church
- Hopewell Baptist Church
- House Of Prayer
- Isabella Missionary Baptist Church
- Israelite Church
- John the Baptist Church
- Jones Memorial A.M.E. Church
- Joy Baptist Temple
- Kingdom Hall of The Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Kingdom Hall of The Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Lilly Grove Baptist Church
- Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Little Canaan Primitive Baptist Church
- Little Rock Baptist Church
- Little Zion Baptist Church
- Lord’s Tabernacle Church Of Christ Holiness
- Macedonia Apostolic Church
- Macedonia Cumberland Presbyterian
- Marion Junction Baptist Church
- Marion Junction Methodist Church
- Marion Junction Presbyterian Church
- Meadow View Church
- Memorial Methodist Church
- Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Ararat Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Ararat Baptist Church
- Mount Calvary AME Church
- Mount Carmel Presbyterian Church
- Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
- Mount Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist
- Mount Nebo Baptist Church
- Mount Nebo M.P. Church
- Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church
- Mount Olive #1 Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Olive #2 Missionary Baptist Church
- Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church
- Mount Zion Baptist Church
- Mount Zion Baptist Church
- Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church
- N-Z
- New Bethany Baptist Church
- New Bethel Church
- New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
- New Bride Missionary Baptist Church
- New Cedar Grove Baptist Church
- New Center Baptist Church
- New College Hill A.M.E. Zion
- New Covenant Presbyterian Church
- New Everdale Baptist Church
- New Gaines Church
- New Generation Christian Center
- New Hope Apostolic Church
- New Hope Baptist Church
- New Liberty Baptist Church
- New Macedonia Baptist Church
- New Mission Independent Pentecostal Church Of The Living God
- New Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
- New Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
- New Mount Moriah Baptist Church
- New Pernell Missionary Baptist Church
- New Saint John Baptist Church
- New Sand Ridge Missionary Baptist Church
- New Shady Grove Baptist Church
- New Shady Grove Methodist Protestant Church
- New Shiloh Baptist Church
- New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
- New Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
- New Sister Springs Missionary Baptist Church
- New Sister Springs Missionary Baptist Church (Old)
- New Vernon Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- New Vernon Cumberland Presbyterian (old)
- No Limit
- Northern Heights Presbyterian Church
- Northside Baptist Church
- Orrville Amish Mennonite Church
- Orrville Baptist Church
- Orrville Methodist Church
- Phillips Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- Pisgah Presbyterian Church
- Plain Truth Holiness Church
- Plantersville Baptist Church
- Plantersville Grove Baptist Church
- Plantersville Methodist Church
- Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
- Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
- Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene
- Prosperity Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
- Prosperity C.M.E Church
- Providence Baptist Church
- Providence Baptist Church
- Providence Missionary Baptist Church
- Queen Of Peace Catholic Church
- Rhodes Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian
- Rising Star Primitive Baptist Church
- Safford Baptist Church
- Saint Chapter Primitive Baptist Church
- Saint James Missionary Baptist Church
- Saint James Missionary Baptist Church
- Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
- Saint Mark’s Primitive Baptist Church
- Saint Mary Missionary Baptist Church
- Saint Paul’s C.M.E. Church
- Saint Paul’s Episcopal
- Saint Paul’s Episcopal
- Saint Peter’s Baptist Church
- Salem Primitive Baptist Church
- Selma Avenue Church of Christ
- Selmont Church of Christ
- Selmont Community Baptist Church
- Shady Grove Baptist Church
- Shady Grove Baptist Church
- Shiloh Baptist Church
- Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
- Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (Old)
- Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church
- Siloam Missionary Baptist Church
- Silome Church
- Sister Springs Baptist Church
- Summerfield Baptist Church
- Summerfield Methodist Church
- Summer Grove Baptist Church
- Tabernacle Baptist Church
- Tabernacle Witness of Deliverance Holiness Church
- Temple Gate Seven Day Adventist Church
- Temple MIshkan Israel
- Town Creek Missionary Baptist Church
- True Vine Holiness Church Of God
- True Vine Missionary Baptist Church
- Union Grove Cumberland Presbyterian
- Union Grove Primitive Baptist
- Union Methodist Church
- Valley Creek Presbyterian Church
- Valley Grande Baptist Church
- Ward Chapel AME
- Water Avenue Baptist Church
- Wayman Chapel AME
- Weeping Willow Baptist Church
- West End Baptist Church
- West Highland Methodist Church
- West Village Church Of The Nazarene
- West Wood Baptist Church
- Whosoever Will Apostolic Holiness Church
- Zion 1 Methodist Protestant Church